What is GemAdviser and who benefits from it
What is new in the GemAdviser?
Tutorial Diamond 3DBook free full version on-line
Video Tutorial - Using DiamCalc & GEM Adviser
Information for Mac users  
Versions history
System requirements
Demo .gem files
Collection of different parametrical diamond models with IdealScope lighting
Quick guide on Key operations (How to..)
3DCalc Pro

3DCalc family
GemAdviser : How to..
Quick Guide on Key Operation
  1. Where to find the GemAdviser application?
  2. How to open a file?
  3. How to switch between different presentation modes?
  4. Photo-realistic virtual images of the stone and a movie
  5. Different lighting models for photo-realistic images and movies
  6. Cut Quality
  7. Short information about the stone

Photo-realistic virtual images of the stone and a movie

The button with a diamond picture on a computer monitor switches the GemAdviser to present photo-realistic images of the stone and to play a movie:

  • "Drag" the stone with the mouse to tilt the stone;
  • Press the play button to see a movie. You need to wait until movie data is calculated before a movie begins to play. This can take a couple of minutes depending on the CPU speed. The red indicator on the button shows the progress of a data calculation. The stop button stops the movie playing or movie calculation.