What is Helium Polish and who benefits from it
What is new in the Helium Polish?
Versions history
Documentation for Helium Polish releases
Advantages for analyzing girdle asymmetry and removing girdle asymmetry
Scanning major and minor symmetry features
Measuring diameter of girdles with a conical shape, "CZ" sample
Photoreal image of Helium Polish 3D model
What is new in the Helium Polish reports?
Reports history

Customizing printing and viewing reports
Customizing export data
Customizing MS Word report templates
Customizing internal text report template
Helium Polish Illustrated reports (one page reports)
Reports for semipolished diamonds and arbitrary cuts
Recut reports
Helium Polish download

Helium Polish Highlights (PDF)
Helium Polish system manual (PDF)
Helium reports documentation (PDF)
Cut parameters
Creating and customizing pricelists (PDF)
DiBox 2.0
GemAdviser Free Version
Helium IG
Helium Polish
Helium Rough
Helium Tender
M-Box 2.0
M-Box 1.5
Oxygen DZ
Oxygen HIG
Oxygen Immersion
Oxygen Inclusion
Oxygen Microscope Server
Oxygen Viewer Free Version
Oxygen XRay Server
Pacor Client
Stereo Viewer Free Version

PACOR - Advanced Computer technologies for Processing of Rough diamonds
Laser Mapping of Concavities
Scanning major and minor symmetry features
Technology patent "A method and apparatus for locating inclusions in a diamond stone"
Immersion Glass
Helium polish software
What is new in the Helium Polish 1:1 and 1:2 version 3.91?

January 15, 2007 - Helium Polish 1:1 and Helium Polish 1:2 version 3.91 are released.

New release and correspondent new templates of the reports are available on the download pages:

Download Helium Polish 1:1
Download Helium Polish 1:2
Download Helium Polish templates

The features of new release:

  1. Recut report with new parameters
  2. Export smart recut model into DiamCalc
  3. Parameters of full report for brilliant are available for semipolished
    round diamonds with polished crown and semipolished pavilion or
    semipolished crown and polished pavilion
  4. Autosave *.mmd, *.dmc, *.gem into target directories after building model

1. Recut report with new parameters

The recut report is available. The report includes new parameters:

  • Culet Offset X
  • Culet Offset Y
  • Culet Offset radius
  • Culet Offset azimuth
  • Table Offset X
  • Table Offset Y
  • Width, length

Please see the example of the report:

MS Word Recut report   PDF

You can modify the new parameters from the Recut Full panel:

Cx - Culet Offset X
Cy - Culet Offset Y
Cr - Culet Offset radius
Ca - Culet Offset azimuth
Tx - Table Offset X
Ty - Table Offset Y
W, L - Width, Length

2. Export smart recut model into DiamCalc

Select the solution you want to view in the Smart Recut panel:

Export selected brilliant model into DiamCalc from the panel Report / Export Smart Recut Model...

3. Parameters of full report for brilliant are available for semipolished round diamonds with polished crown and semipolished pavilion or semipolished crown and polished pavilion

There are semipolished round diamond with polished crown and semipolished pavilion or semipolished crown and polished pavilion. Now you can view the full report parameters for half polished model.

Please see the example of full report with Girdle facet depth, Girdle facet length parameters and etc:

MS Word Full report for semipolished round   PDF

4. Autosave *.mmd, *.dmc, *.gem into target directories after building model

Open panel Options / Piolish from the menu Start / Inner/ Options...

Select the directory

Versions history
Helium news