Oxygen Immersion download

Oxygen Immersion 6.3.30 (Carbon Platform - NEW, OX2Z Files)


This version of the Oxygen Immersion has been released on July 23, 2020.

In this version:

  • Improved HASP Protection
  • New File Format - OX2Z

See details in the release notes.

Oxygen Immersion 5.5.6 (Oxygen Platform, Last Update, OXGZ Files)


This version of the Oxygen Immersion has been released on September 15, 2020.

In this version:

  • Camera FPS values are displayed for hardware (hw) and draw
  • Previously the system had an expiration period starting from the distributive creation date, after this period the system could not be started. Now, this limitation is removed.
  • Some fixes have been done resulting in system stability and speed.

See details in the release notes.

Oxygen Immersion 5.3.42


This version of the Oxygen Immersion has been released on September 10, 2019.

In this version:

  • Improved 3D visualization speed
  • Higher stability in IG scans


InstallOxygenImmersion.exe is an installation program for Windows (265 Mb). The installation should be run with an administrative account.

Oxygen Immersion 5.1


This version of Oxygen Immersion has been released on May 27, 2019.

In this version:

  • In the Scene, a Grid is now available, that you can show/hide by selecting Show Grid option from the View menu
  • Optimized log output allows keeping log data compact and clean
  • Extended character map for on-screen text now allows frequently used symbols like degree sign and others
  • Some problem fixes and improvements

See details in the release notes.

HASP Driver


If you install this software first time please also download and install the Hasp HL driver (ver. 8.51).

HASPUserSetup.exe (23,2 Mb) - Hasp HL device driver installation program for Windows.The installation should be run with an administrative account

M-Box Drivers for 64-bit Windows


M-Box works with 64-bit Windows 7 and 64-bit Windows Vista with Oxygen Microscope since vesion 3.2. 
After connecting the hardware to the computer you will be asked for drivers for OctoNus USB devices. Download these drivers below. 

OctonusBoardsDriver_x64.exe (0,5 Mb)- drivers for OctoNus USB devices. Please note that new 64-bit drivers do not work on Windows XP and 32-bit operation systems, where old 32-bit drivers should be used.