Set of Optimization Algorithms for Helium Rough & Pacor Client

Set of Optimization Algorithms


18 December, 2012 - new set of algorithms is available for download. All global and local algorithms work faster. (5,0 Kb) - The package contains algorithms for Helium Rough and Pacor Client

Installation instuctions

1. Download and copy file Method2011.mmd from the downloaded archive to the root folder of program of Pacor Client. It is possible to have few different files Method20XX.mmd with different sets of methods.

2. Run program. In the panel Marking out press on the cross and selectLoad standard methods (Method2011.mmd). Or go to submenu and select another set of algorithms (Method20XX.Mmd). Then save current project as Heliumstart.mmd (for Helium Rough) or Start.mmd (for Pacor Client) - in the main menu select Start/Save project as.. and find in the default folder given files. Check before that files Heliumstart.mmd or Start.mmd are not read-only in the properties of files (the default path for location of files: C:\Program Files\OctoNus Software\Helium or C:\Program Files\OctoNus Software\Pacor-client).

3. Next time program will load selected in step 2 set of algorithms